Thursday, April 3, 2014

Oligarchs and Plutocrats and PsychoClowns

I was looking for a way to express my feelings about this latest ruling by the Supreme Court Justices (I use that term loosely), found this image over at One Fly's place ... and nabbed it. You know how I feel about clowns, so this was not easy to bring over to my site, but nothing exists more apropos. These clowns are destroying our democracy, such as it is, through a not-so-slow dismantling of everything we were led to believe this country stands for; they are publicly handing it over (as opposed to the previous, more private means) to the oligarchs and plutocrats who have long been in charge, maybe always, and ... here we are. I shall now restrain myself from using a lot of swear words.

One Fly's blog:

Thank you, One Fly!


  1. Teresa -- Where are the rest of the clowns:)) I feel most of our politicians are clowns. This is not a good time for our country. Greed and power seem to prevail. Right now I am reading "Understanding Power, The Indispensable Chomsky." Highly recommend.

    Thank you for the kind words about Sallie Tomato. -- barbara

    1. Yes, the clowns are in town, D.C., to be exact. I haven't read Chomsky in a while ... sounds good. I hope you're having a good day, remembering the fun that Sallie Tomato brought to your life. Golden Retrievers have such beautiful souls.

  2. Well thank you Teresa! You said it better than I and swear words let alone truthful words have helped none at all. Continuing a slide down a hill of why care but we do. Not near as much as before and not sure where the before is. Somebody just let me know when something goes our way.

    1. I'm not expecting anything soon, but things can turn around on a dime ... you just never know what great changes are being wrought as I type this. I'm loving this little piece of land along the river more and more every day ...

  3. I envy you your piece of land Teresa since it looks like the preppers may be right. The only thing is whenever I think about the preppers and their bits of land here and there, I am always reminded of Dr. Zhivago when they flee to the country and are yet found by the Red Army. (The Red Army were the good guys right?) And in this modern American revolution the enemy is the White Army) I think there will come a time, soon, when there is no getting round the damage done in the last few years and that was just nailed down by these clowns. Actually, clowns is too nice for them because they're really nothing but gangsters. That's all she wrote.

    1. At one time I might have felt very safe with this land, but a government that is pretty much lawless and can do anything it wants, well ... my security isn't what it once might have been. Yes, gangsters is much more to the point.

  4. I wonder also at the apathy of the public that lets these things happen. They're happening in England too. Well, that's the interesting question to me.

    1. It's the most difficult question we all must ask ourselves ... why this complacency? But, we have seen what they did to squelch the Occupy Wall Street Movement ... they have pretty much stripped us of our ability to do anything en masse. People are afraid of the possible repercussions ... and other "r" words.

  5. Replies
    1. We are all in a bit of a pickle ... there is a movement afoot to impeach these justices ... I cannot imagine that having any possible good outcome, but it is good to try.

  6. I could not agree more. That the Supreme Judicial body of this land could put such low stock in the real citizens of this country is disgusting. It is absolute proof in my mind that big biz controls our courts as well Congress. We need a Constitutional Amendment that says Corporations are not people. We need another amendment that puts a cap on campaign financing and makes it so that all of the money comes through the government from citizen taxpayers.

    1. Hear! Hear! But not looking good. I'm wondering how far this will go before it turns around ... or falls apart.

  7. OWS was there own worse enemy.

    1. In some ways, that's true. They were a ragtag group with too many hangers-on, just there to be There, but I would have liked to see it have a chance to evolve into what I think it could and would have been, given the opportunity ...
