Friday, May 7, 2010

On the Shores of Upper Whitefish

It's May 7th and it's snowing outside. I'm looking out on Upper Whitefish Lake, here in north central Minnesota. Part of the Whitefish chain of lakes, it's one of the prettiest lakes in this land of 10,000 or so. I just scored a really nice condo for rent at off-season rates for the next six weeks. I will continue to keep my antennae up for possible land or dwellings that say, "You've come home." In the meantime, it's a good place to be. It's down the shore from where I once lived, but the view is different so it feels brand new.

I can see Indian Island from my deck. It's a small island with some history to it, both Native American and personal. I've been out there many times in years past, waded in the back cove, picked Indian Paintbrush and walked through a grove of old growth trees that felt as though I was in the finest cathedral in the world. If spring ever arrives in full regalia, I will probably find a way to get out there again and I'm looking forward to it.

There are big Norway pines alongside the deck and on the grounds, and only one neighbor. Everyone else is waiting for summer to show up, for which I'm very grateful. At the risk of sounding selfish, it's nice to have such a lovely spot almost to myself. I slept last night in a loft, with a king size bed made of logs, in a sweet and peaceful place.

Life is good. Really good.


  1. oOoh wow...!!! sounds delightful! enjoy...

  2. Sleeping in a loft with snowflakes swirling outside, near a lake, with only one neighbor...delicious!

  3. Indeed, it was. Thank you, so much, for allowing me to see it with your eyes. How nice.

  4. Goodness, Teresa, you are really out there in the wild, sleeping in a loft, getting a place for six weeks. Wow. Wandering a bit, I guess, if I had to define. I would love to have six weeks with Norway pines....What a life you are living. Are you content? Not happy, but content, my friend? You give a lot to your blog and you keep me glued to your travel.

    Good sleep to you tonight amongst the pines.

    By the way, do you ever think of the dulcimer you heard in Colorado? I think of your post about it. Words. Your words embed themselves in us and keep us thinking of that scene: hearing and then finding the music. That's a post I will remember.

    Beautiful photo of the lake.

  5. Jack, Yes, I am wandering a bit. I try to remember to be grateful for all the good in my life. Am I content? Most of the time... Thank you, so much, for your words. They've helped fill up an almost too quiet evening.

    The dulcimer, a fine memory. I'm so glad it resonated with you.

    Thank you.

  6. Beautiful photo. The Upper Whitefish is one of the most beautiful lake areas in the world. Nothing beats the sounds and sights of a lake.

  7. Mark, Welcome! I appreciate your reading and responding. Yes, this is a beautiful place to Be.
