Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Children of the Light

Though first recorded in 2009, this is, unfortunately, as relevant today as then, perhaps more so...  It's time to raise our voices against this and all forms of oppression and genocide, against all forms of tyranny and manipulation, against all measures that would make us believe we are anything less than Children of the Light, that we are One.

I found the video, with the words to the song, on CoyotePrime's site: coyoteprime-runningcauseicantfly.blogspot.com


  1. The worst persecutors are the formerly persecuted.

    1. Vicious circle doesn't begin to cover it. It all comes down to who writes what becomes "history."

  2. Dear Teresa, for many years I was an advocate for a free Palestine for the Palestinians. Then I tried to read more and more about how this situation began and how it has continued. And the more I learned, the more puzzled and confused I became. There is nothing simple about what is happening in the Middle East. The problems are so complex that I am mostly just confused now.

    I do feel that shortly before his death Arafat fumbled and lost an opportunity for peace and for a home for the Palestinians. Why? Possibly because he was too attached to simply his one way of looking at things.

    And now with a hawk leading Israel there seems to be little chance of real negotiation.

    So I'm not standing here with you in the same way as usual, because I simply don't know what the answer is. I believe that the Jewish people deserve a homeland. But I also believe that the Palestinians do too.

    I believe that Iran has a lot to answer for and that if the Iranian leaders didn't keep stirring the boiling pot of hate, the Israelis would not be so ready to respond with overwhelming might to the Palestinians in Gaza.

    This is when Oneness is hard to embrace and hold on to. I'm struggling. Peace.

    1. I'm not struggling over this, because it's not about just homeland, it's about murder, it's about genocide, and it's about bombing people you've already herded into what is basically a smaller and smaller internment camp. I am not doing this in support of Hamas, not at all, I am doing this in support of the Palestinian people, the children who cannot sleep for fear of not waking up, or losing their parents and not having food to eat. Be very careful of the "history" you read and the current news, which is always slanted, both sides, but there is much at stake here, and I'm tired of Israel controlling the world from their little nuclear armed arsenal and I'm tired of all the killing, and I'm tired of all the political bullshit that never seems to end, while children die. This is not about Iran, Dee. False flags must be met with the truth.

      Peace, yes. I am very gratefull for our friendship and trust you will read this with all the love and respect with which it's sent.

    2. Dear Teresa, I've read your reply and I'm humbled by it.
      Here is the URL for a column in today's New York Times. I find myself so agreeing with so much of what the columnist says. I wonder if it speaks to you also.


      The only thing I know is that real peace cannot come through killing people. That's one thing I hold on to. Peace.

    3. Thank you so much for your reply, Dee, and for that link. It's important to keep perspective, and it's important to remember that human lives are what's at stake here.

  3. Thank you for sharing this Teresa...I cry for the people of Gaza....my heart is breaking. When my kids were younger I took in foreign exchange students from this region...they were just kids like yours and mine...it really puts a human face on it for me knowing our young friends are back there facing this. My daughter kept in touch with one of the kids that stayed at my home for the summer...he lives right on the Gaza strip and has emailed my daughter through the years his story of the tensions there. Makes me so very sad for all the people.

    1. Thank you so much for commenting, Karen. I always appreciate hearing from you and what you offer is so often a needed wake-up call.

  4. I don't think many reqlly understand this conflict, it is shelved in the news. There is a lot of people giving their lives toward peace.What would Mary and Joseph have done today if they were refused entry in and out of the gates to enter Bethlehem?

    1. Oh, I think Love would have found a way. It was never about Bethlehem, it was about the Light, and Light always finds a way.

  5. Teresa -- Will it ever end? Like the "Indian problem" it only ended when their lands were taken, massacres happpened, and they were put on reservations. Or like the "Irish problem" when England turned its head and let millions starve. Is this the template that Netanyahu is following???? Tough answers to consider to an old problem. Peace is a way. But does the perpetrators know this? Until peace is found the violence will continue. -- barbara

  6. The Middle East problem is unsolvable. I don’t know that anybody can do anything. There’ll be a ceasefire and for a little while things will quieten down and then the rockets will come out of the sky again, from whichever side.

    The People in Gaza are doomed to suffer until hell freezes over. I am not sure that love and light are anything to do with it, it’s more likely to be fear and and hatred on both sides.

    The pictures on the news programmes here are all too detailed and explicit; programme makers are trying to stay unbiased but neutrality isn’t getting us anywhere. And yet, no nation in the West can be seen to interfere; all they can do is to bring pressure to bear.

    And the people suffer and children die.

    1. I think the key phrase here is "Neutrality isn't getting us anywhere."

  7. I don't know enough about this to contribute really but the thing that sticks with me is that the rockets sent to foil the ones coming into the "dome" cost $100,000 each and who is paying for them?..We are...I read 2 BILLION dollars of aid last year...if that is true then maybe that is where we can start looking for answers. There is not a country that is neutral on this...they just don't sign their names to it.

    1. And what's important is that we, the people, don't remain neutral. We can't remain so in the face of what is essentially genocide. Think of this: they have herded 1.7 million people, with over 75% of the population under the age of 25, into an area that's 139 square miles. It's basically a walled city, not much different than the Warsaw Ghetto of WWII, and only slightly larger.
