Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Love: A Lone Crow and Wild Turkeys

During the past three weeks I have been giving considerable thought to the healing power of Love. Several weeks ago I bought a book many of you might be familiar with. It's titled, quite simply, The Power. It's a companion book to The Secret, the secret being not so secret, as it is about Source and the infinite supply we all have, without measure, of all that we need.  The Power is dedicated to the subject of Love, in all its manifestations, and how it meets our every need. Love, being divine Love, as expressed in and through us, has given me much food for thought.

I have not always followed my own principles regarding the expression of Love. I have fallen far short at times. I decided to examine my own shortcomings through a bit of retrospection and introspection, and to make a practice of doing better, to practice what I preach more consistently. During this brief hiatus, I've been having fun in my own backyard. And more than fun, it has been illuminating.

While on a walk yesterday, under a blue-blue sky and with fresh snow under my feet (I love how the blue sky is reflected in the snow), I opened my thought to how I might express love without hesitation and exception. I had to start with myself, the only place anything ever truly starts. I opened my thought and my mouth, speaking out loud how much I love my Life, my Perfect Self, the Self that God, divine Love knows, without condition or judgment. Then I went on to express out loud my love for all my friends, including any that appear to be lost to the past; I spoke of my love for my family, every member, without exception. I continued along these lines as I walked. As I did so, a lone crow sailed across the road, just above the treetops in front of me. I spoke to it, saying hello and thanking it for the gift of its presence. It flew a short distance, then banked to the right, flying back to me, almost appearing to pause in greeting as it approached me, completing a circle as it flew. It did this one more time, flying a short distance, then banking to the right, briefly hovering before completing another circle overhead, then sailing on, across that deep blue ocean of sky.

If you have been reading my writings for any time, you have probably noticed that I believe we receive signs everywhere, once we become alert to them. Signs from nature are among my favorites. This certainly seems to be a nice affirmation for the direction my thoughts have taken.

I received another nice "sign" this morning. I had just sent an email to someone expressing my thoughts about the healing power of love, when I walked down the hall and into the kitchen. There, under the bird feeder, were four wild turkeys. They are probably the same turkeys that visited me this past summer. I took a photo of them from inside, but could not resist the desire to photograph them outside. I walked around the corner of the house and managed to snap off a few photos as they moved back toward the little patch of woods they had taken refuge in this summer. I cannot explain it, but those turkeys felt like Love itself to me. Another gift of Love's ever-presence, expressed through nature.

Someday when men have conquered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we will harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.

~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The photographs are mine.


  1. You have a wonderful playground....thank you for letting me come to play...the birds are beautiful creatures, and the blue on the snow is pretty. You've captured it perfectly on camera.
    I will have to check out this book you speak of. I haven't heard of it. Thanks for sharing...and nice to see you here again.
    Wishing you much love in 2011.

  2. I love the de Chardin quote. When I'm in a space of Love, everything seems easy. To get there, though, I have to slow down and be willing. I wonder sometimes why I don't make that choice more often.

    I'm glad you did, Teresa.

  3. I love how you see love in the world around you. I too think there are signs in nature.
    Wonderful photos.

  4. I haven't read those books but I have heard they are very good. Discovering nature really does feel like love doesn't it? Wonderful post Teresa.

    Happy New Year!
    xo Catherine

  5. I believe in signs too. I read the book the secret, but at the time I was in a bad space, perhaps I'll find it and re-read it.

  6. Hey Teresa, thanks for stopping by my little nature blog. It always fun to run across another Minnesotan. I LOVE the north shore as well. Having gone "up" there many time with my parents and later with my two sons up the Sawbill to the BWCA. I do books a lot (mostly history, biography and the occasional novels. My other blog is most book and movie reviews and some family stuff thrown in. In any case I enjoyed looking thru some of your posts, enjoying your attitude toward life and intriguing writing style.
    Ray (troutbirder)

  7. Those wild turkeys are indeed, serendipitous. Giving and being receptive to love around us daily is a worthy goal.

  8. Loved the blog mom! Beautiful photos too!

  9. Thank you All, for your thoughtful comments. It's so good to have these life-affirming connections.

  10. So happy to have you back, my friend! I love this is so like you. I believe as you do that there are signs of love everywhere, if we just take the time to notice. Sometimes, though, I need to be nudged back into that awareness. Thank you for that nudge.

  11. It's good to be back! I'm glad I was able to pass my nudge on to you! Happy New Year, Cheryl!

  12. Just beautiful Teresa. And Turkeys are the totem of giving; generosity of love- so how fitting. They are right up there with Eagle in their power. A lovely affirmation of You.

  13. Kristy, Thank you so much. What a Lovely thing to say to me. I'm so glad you know the totems and can share your knowledge and insight.

  14. "The healing power of Love", yes. It is power. And powerful. I haven't read the books you mentioned but will do so. Thank you for the direction.

    I, like you, believe in signs. Crows in particular have popped in at opportune moments a good deal in my life, but most often this year, to provide awareness. How good that the WILD turkeys came to call on you again. That place "between" re-surfaces in new ways. Finding balance between peaceful and wild. Settled and free flying. I ramble. Maybe a hot air ballon ride is in order!
    Hugs and love,

  15. "Finding balance between peaceful and wild." I think you're on to something... :) It sounds right to me. Ramble away, my friend. You always offer thoughtful comments, and a clear understanding of where and who I am, for which I'm very grateful. You've spent some time today with my posts and it means a lot to me... Hugs and Love to you.

  16. Spending time here is a always a treat. Having limited opportunities, this year, to enjoy your writings and perspective has been irritating. Ah, balance again. Glad I've had some time off to catch-up. Even in winters cold, you blossom.

  17. Beautifully written. Crows are believed by native americans to have mystical, even prophetic, powers. This was a good omen.

  18. Hi Bill, Thanks for your comment. Crows seem to be playing an ever expanding role in my life. It feels really good.
